Thursday 27 March 2008

Where have you been?

Well, of course, I've been on my hols. Indonesia, staying on a deserted beach and snorkelling with the reef sharks, and Singapore, running and swimming with my friends. Back for a month, now, though, and I admit I've been a bit slack on the training and blogging.
The Point Of No Return comes,  of course, when I set off from the B&B in St Just on the morning of 17 May. But there are a number of intermediate steps that feel each almost as momentous. Buying the one-way train ticket to Penzance was one. And last night Sabina and I cut up a road atlas so I have a light and economical paper route map.
Still looking forward to the arrival of my 2008 model Dawes Galaxy, which I've been promised for 'early April' by the nice people at Dawes Cycles. Expect a euphoric blog when that arrives. I'll have a meagre five weeks to get it set up nicely, and the saddle and my bottom adjusted to each other. Just in case, the Koga - my daily commuting bike - got a new chain, middle chain ring and gear cassette last week.