Thursday 29 May 2008

Just about made it to Inverness

Reached the high point of the ride today - literally. The Pass of
Drumochter, 1500 ft, and the highest point on the UK's rail network. Not
that I was travelling by train, no: for me it was about a 20-mile climb on
the bike to get up there. Seen today: promroses and narcissi still in
bloom, cotton grass in all the bogs, a chocolate-brown female deer that
scooted across my path, hillsides of khaki, olive and black enlivened by
remaining patches of snow, oystercatchers and lapwings, and a flocklet of
pied wagtails swooping along the wet road in front of me. The knee? Well, I
just about kept going, on 800 mg of Ibuprofen and three quarterrs of a
fruit cake. Sabina has all the video footage, mostly of me strugglling