Thursday 29 May 2008

Just about made it to Inverness

Reached the high point of the ride today - literally. The Pass of
Drumochter, 1500 ft, and the highest point on the UK's rail network. Not
that I was travelling by train, no: for me it was about a 20-mile climb on
the bike to get up there. Seen today: promroses and narcissi still in
bloom, cotton grass in all the bogs, a chocolate-brown female deer that
scooted across my path, hillsides of khaki, olive and black enlivened by
remaining patches of snow, oystercatchers and lapwings, and a flocklet of
pied wagtails swooping along the wet road in front of me. The knee? Well, I
just about kept going, on 800 mg of Ibuprofen and three quarterrs of a
fruit cake. Sabina has all the video footage, mostly of me strugglling


Unknown said...

You are doing a great job. Most would have given up with a dickie knee.
Not far now.
Next time you try a long trip... like all the way across Singapore...
Keep peddling
Trevor Seaman

Alison Sare said...

Wow Pete, almost there. We've been following your progress from down under. Love to see the pics etc when you are all done.
Alison & Garry

Rodk said...


Excellent progress. It always gets better once you are in Scotland!



Jane said...

Well done, Peter. Glad you came through the pain barrier. Adrenalin, euphoria and ibuprofen obviously a potent force! Good luck for the final leg. It's been a fantastic achievement.