Wednesday 28 May 2008

In the Highlands!

Did I expect to make it here today? I admit my confidence was badly shaken
over the last few days. But I write now from Pitlochry, on the southern
fringe of the Cairngorms, after a frisky 60 miles from Edinburgh through
cold drizzle and wind, unable to see the high peaks around and ahead of me,
and facing the prospect of tomorrow's 84-miler to Inverness with something
approaching eagerness. The muscles, of course, were not tired today, and
the countryside was attractive without being harsh. All in all, I may have
earned a glass of the local distillate tonight.


BobD said...

Brilliant! Well done you.

BobD said...

Brilliant! Well done you.

Tamsin said...

What a tale! I had a lot of catching up to do, but now I think I'm up to speed with the blog. I hope I'll soon read that you've had a pain-free, sunny but hilly ride to Inverness. But however it works out, I'm in awe of your amazing journey. To me it's not just about all those miles in the saddle, but all the visits to hospitals, support groups, drug companies etc that you have managed to coordinate on the way. Well Done!!!

Jenny Baker said...

We've been following your progress with awe and admiration. Thank you for all your amazing efforts for Brain Tumour UK and for the great hope and inspiration you're undoubtedly bringing to many other people having to face up to living with a brain tumour.
Jenny Baker, Chief Executuve
Brain Tumour UK

Gillian said...

Peter, my husband and I discuss your journey every night and wonder what the day has been like for you - knowing that the wind direction has not been kind to you.

Having read your blog entry for yeterday I am now sitting at my desk with tears in my eyes! Very many congratulations on getting so far, so fast. An absolutely incredible achievement!

James said...

Anne and I always thought you'd manage to carry on somehow! We are keeping our fingers crossed for the next few days.

howard said...

Sorry I missed you in Cambridge, glad its going well, astonishing performance. Glad our training in Malta is paying off
Keep up the good work, all the very best for a successful conclusion