Wednesday 21 May 2008

The last post

... On this battery charge. Man Utd won, I met my MP and then my buddies in
the pub. Easy ride into London. More tomorrow when I can recharge my and
the BlackBerry's batteries at home in Horningsea.


Break from blogging yesterday. After the rigours of Dorset's coast (90
miles total that day) yesterday was a gentle 65 or so, partly across the
Isle of Wight, with a long and agreeable break at the University of
Portsmouth being shown around the Brain Tumour Research Lab by Prof Geoff
Pilkington. Geoff loves his kit, like any scientist. It was very striking
how little of it had been provided by government funds, though: much if not
most was from private individuals and chariries like BTUK. Met up with my
brother Drew in the evening, so for a few hours the three of us have been
together. Drew and I head off for the Smoke (London) this morning.