Wednesday 21 May 2008


Break from blogging yesterday. After the rigours of Dorset's coast (90
miles total that day) yesterday was a gentle 65 or so, partly across the
Isle of Wight, with a long and agreeable break at the University of
Portsmouth being shown around the Brain Tumour Research Lab by Prof Geoff
Pilkington. Geoff loves his kit, like any scientist. It was very striking
how little of it had been provided by government funds, though: much if not
most was from private individuals and chariries like BTUK. Met up with my
brother Drew in the evening, so for a few hours the three of us have been
together. Drew and I head off for the Smoke (London) this morning.


Rodk said...


Excellent progress. Hardest bit is now out of the way then! I reckon that after day 3 you start to get fitter.

Ride High!

Best regards


Heidi said...

Hi Peter
Nigel and I are having a meeting in my kitchen, imagining how lovely your scenery must be. Not jealous, though, neither of us particularly grabbed by the idea of a bike ride right now.
Have fun!
Heidi and Nigel

Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust said...

Hi Peter

Just wondered if you're still stopping at Addenbrooke's tomorrow. Sadly Neil Burnett is off. Please can you confirm by sending me an email( or giving me a call on 01223 217757?

Hope all is going well. Well done for raising so much so soon!

Best regards
Yvonne Francis
Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust

nigel Atkinson said...


Many congratulations on the progress you are making. It must be incredibly rewarding and exciting.

Keep going - safely and quickly - and enjoy the occasional pint of Gunness!

All the best

Helen said...


It was such a surprise to meet you this morning and a pleasure to be able to offer you a back wheel for just a few miles.

We hope that the wind is always on your back and the sun on your face.

with best wishes for your journey
