Monday 26 May 2008

Out of touch

Three long days (average 85 miles) behind me now. Sorry I didn't post from
Warrington: I was tired. Drew and I made good speed into and out of Stoke,
stopping briefly for a masala dosa on the way, and through Cheshire, with
my left knee the only worry. Yesterday I met up with Dick P-J (on his
motorbike) at 8 and made haste through the post-ndustrial landscape of
south Lancs. My goodness, Wigan certainly doesn't show her prettiest face
to the A49. Met up with a buddy of Dick's for lunch and pressed on towards
and out of Lancaster. Paused for tea, fruit cake and (ominously) 400mg of
Ibuprofen for my knee. Made Hawkshead in good time, using the ferry across
Windermere, and had dinner with Sabina. Today's breakfast was followed by
another 400mg of Ibuprofen, but half way along Thirlmere the inevitable
happened: my knee refused to go any further. Now I'm in Keswick with a bowl
of soup and a number of questions about what to do next. The bike is on the
back of the car and I'll see a doctor tomorrow morning. I have ridden 670
milesm but at the moment I am worried I can't ride any more.