Thursday 24 April 2008

The half-way mark

You have all been receiving my standard thank-you note from Justgiving. But THANK YOU! from me directly, too. Each time someone makes a donation, I get an email, and each time I look to see your comments and they make me smile, as does your generosity. So while I have not yet reached even the starting line of the bike ride, let alone the half-way mark (which I think comes somewhere around Warrington), YOU have reached the half-way mark. Thank you again. Keith and Jackie Price were the ones who pushed me past the £5,000 barrier.

I'm acting as though the ride itself will be the easy bit. Perhaps it will be: we'll see. As Tamsin said, the distance will make Singapore to KL look like a walk in the park. My confidence is high at the moment, though: the new Super Galaxy (bike, for the uninitiated) is such a delight to ride! I got rid of my old racing bike nearly three years ago, and I had forgotten how responsive, light and fast a bike can be, until this last week.