Friday 30 May 2008

50-something to go

Today was never going to be easy. After yesterday's exertions, of course I
started tired. And the goal - John O'Groats - is still most of a day away.
Add to that the cold and the drizzle, offset only by the bright colours and
coconut fragrance of the ubiquitous gorse, and I admit I struggled. Scenery
more modest than I had hoped - didn't see seals or dolphins in the Dornoch
Firth - but Loch Fleet at low tide, backed by 'gentle' hills, was
impressive... Miles and miles of mud!


Rodk said...

Tomorrow will be fantastic and slightly sad.
Enjoy tonight and tomorrow.
Enjoy the scenery.
And most of all just enjoy being.

Be happy and congratulations.


TrudyT said...

Thinking of you tonight and about what you have achieved - raising awareness (and funds) - to help others. AMAZING!

Hope you are Ok?

Well done, and thanks so much.
