Saturday 31 May 2008

Made it (kind of)

The last 52 miles went by quite well, powered by my now habitual diet of
muesli bars and Ibuprofen. Beautiful coast north of Helmsdale, hilly but
not wildly so, birds of prey, deer and ?curlews, and would you believe it,
even watery sunshine most of the way. Many thanks to everyone who posted
messages of support - even from Australia - and to those who rode or drove
with me: Drew, Sabina, Bob and Dick. I missed out 130 miles of my planned
route, but still covered 940 miles on the other 13 days. Now enjoying a
hard-earned bowl of Scotch Broth. Whisky this evening.


BobD said...

Whoohoo! You're a star Peter.

Hope you enjoy your scotch and a nice long sleep.

Jenny Baker said...

Very well done Peter fromall at Brain Tumour UK. You are our hero and we too are celebrating your great achievement!

Jenny Baker

Unknown said...

Wonderful effort Peter. Enjoy the cycle back....

Helmer Aslaksen said...

Good job! Congrats!

We're in Norway now, and having a great time!


James said...

What a relief ... so glad you made it!

Tamsin said...

Great to hear you've made it. Well done!!
You can switch from Ibuprofen to iv scotch to dull the knee pain now...