Friday 18 April 2008

It's not about the bike!

Oh yes it is! Or at least it is today. Last night I returned home to find a large but suspiciously slim box with DAWES written along it in big letters. I sawed my way into it using the carving knife (sorry Sabina) and found a lovely gleaming bike IN BITS. That's how they despatch them. The next three hours were spent in baffled industry trying to put the bits together, in the conservatory (sorry again Sabina). Today I gave up and brought the nearly-assembled bike to my favourite bike shop, Blazing Saddles, for final assembly. Now I know what bicycle dealers do. The bike is bronze-coloured. Sabina calls it brown. Why is it that women and men never agree on the name of a colour? Is it bronze or is it brown? See for yourself.

1 comment:

Helmer Aslaksen said...

Congrats! Regarding color vision, you may enjoy reading