Saturday 17 May 2008

Dodgy knee

I'd have loved to make an upbeat entry, but two Ibuprofen haven't helped.
My left knee - the one that caused me to give up running - hurts. We'll see
how it goes overnight. I know its patterns of misbehaviour, and it might
just be a touch stiff rather than agonising. At the moment, though, it's
making me very twitchy. The cycling went OK today: I didn't notice my knee
was bad until I got off the bike. There were a lot of cyclists at Land's
End, all of them planning to go a lot faster than me, albeit in company.
Four lads from London with a target of eight days. I hope they had a good
day's riding. We (I) had a couple of hours of 'torrential downpours' (Met
Office's words, not mine) but negligible wind, at least, and clouds all day
so low you felt you could grab them. A nice lady outside the pasty bakery
gave me a fiver, and a man on the spectacular bridge at Wadebridge (built
1468!) stopped his Dawes Super Galaxy, took my photo and did the same. Soon
I'll learn to post photos so you can see.

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