Friday 23 May 2008

Home for 14 hours

A very pleasant ride through the cool and leafy lanes of north London and
south Hertfordshire yesterday, to reach Schering Plough late morning. The
reception committee included the Temodal product manager, communications
and patient advocacy managers, and even the MD (who kindly gave me a - very
fluent - interview to camera). I was anxious about the time, so declined
their offer of lunch, grabbing instead two bananas from the canteen, then
hurtled up Ermine Street - the near-deserted Roman road from Hertford to
near Cambridge and beyond. At the Cancer Help Centre, there were numerous
volunteers, David from Scotsdales who helped them with the building and
funding, a number of members of the Rotary Club who have collectively been
my biggest sponsor, and assorted news media with cameras. Celeb for a day!
We drank tea, ate cake, and then I rode home with a couple of neighbours
who had also come to say hello, to a further reception at the Plough +
Fleece in Horningsea with chili and baked potatoes for all... before an
early night. Sigh. Off to Leicester today with brother Drew.

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