Saturday 17 May 2008

Floods, flowers and food

Just so that you don't think I was exaggerating about the weather: the pub
I went to for dinner tonight was flooded! I squelched around on their
carpet in my Tevas. The flowers here are more advanced than at home:
foxgloves everywhere, in mid-May. And I saw the first poppy of the summer
this morning. Talking of pubs, as I was... I aim to eat and drink local
produce to the extent possible on this ride. Along with my pasties today, I
was introduced to the fruity charms of the 'tea treat', an oversized
saffron bun. And for dinner, Cornish cider (6 percent, hic) and chiken
tikka masala, which is local fare throughout England.

1 comment:

Dr. Ali Alhakami said...

Good news Peter, just make sure that you would not do things I would not do.


Ali- Riyadh